HC Deb 21 April 1910 vol 16 cc2448-9W

asked the President of the Board of Education how many teachers contributed to the superannuation scheme in 1909, and what was the total amount contributed in that year?


The total amount contributed in the Financial year 1909–10 was £233,249. Of this sum £99,485 represents contributions of men teachers and £133,764 represents contributions of women teachers. Men teachers contribute at the rate of £3 5s. per annum and women teachers at the rate of £2 8s. per annum, but the totals given above are made up, to some extent, of contributions pro rata for part of a year. The Board are, therefore, unable, except at the cost of much labour, to give the precise number of teachers contributing to the fund in the year in question. The amount contributed in any particular financial year is liable to be affected by the dates when the annual Grant, from which the teachers' contributions are deducted, is actually paid.


also asked how many teachers received superannuation allow- ance in 1909; and what was the total amount disbursed in superannuation allowance during the year?


The number of teachers who received superannuation allowances in the financial year 1909–10 was 1,853, and the total amount disbursed for this purpose during that year was £53,396.