HC Deb 19 April 1910 vol 16 cc2054-7W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland what steps have been taken by the Estates Commissioners to acquire the untenanted land on the Bannantyne estate at Castleroberts, Fannings-town, and Rathbeenagh, in the rural district of Croom, county Limerick; and, if purchased, how soon may it be distributed among the deserving classes in the locality?


I have nothing to add to my reply to the question on the same subject asked by the hon. Member for West Limerick on 28th February last.


asked the Chief Secretary if he can say what steps the Estates Commissioners have taken to acquire the untenanted lands at Cappananty and Cappanahane, in the county of Limerick, with the view to relieving congestion in the district?


Proceedings were instituted by the Commissioners for the compulsory acquisition of 320 acres of untenanted land in the townlands of Cappanahane and Cappananty under the Evicted Tenants Act. The owner, however, filed objections under Section 2 of the Act, and the Commissioners, after hearing them, decided not to proceed further in the matter.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the tenants on the Shawe property of Parkwood, in the parish of Kilmanaghan, purchased their holdings from their landlord through the Estates Commissioners on the promise that certain untenanted lands on the estate should be distributed among them; whether these untenanted lands are on the books of the Estates Commissioners for distribution among the Shawe estate tenantry; to what extent, if any, has the redistribution been carried out; and whether the redistribution will be pushed forward by the Estates Commissioners with the least possible delay?


Purchase agreements for the tenanted lands on the estate of James Hill Shawe, King's County, have been lodged with the Estates Commissioners. The estate includes forty-three acres of untenanted land, which the owner offers for sale to the Commissioners. The estate will be dealt with in order of priority.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Estates Commissioners have come to any agreement re the sale of untenanted land on the Cautwell property at Abbeyville, Croom, with the owners?

The HON. MEMBER further

asked whether any steps have been taken by the Estates Commissioners to acquire the untenanted land on the Lyons estate at Anhid, Croom House and Croom Castle; and, if so, with what result?


The Estates Commissioners cannot identify these estates as pending for sale before them.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners are negotiating for the sale of 700 acres of untenanted land at Carrigeen and Banogue, near Croom, now in the possession of Mr. P. Moloney; and, in view of the fact that there are a number of uneconomic holders and labourers in the district, will steps be taken to acquire this land as soon as possible?


The Commissioners are not in negotiation for the purchase of these lands. If the owner institutes proceedings before them for the sale of the lands under the Land Purchase Acts they will be dealt with in order of priority.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners have acquired the untenanted lands on the estate of Lord Dunraven, at Carrigeen, Croom; and, if so, will local claimants get a preference?


The Commissioners' offer to purchase 163 acres of untenanted land at Carrigeen on the estate of the Earl of Dunraven has been accepted by the owner, and they have referred the case to one of their inspectors for the preparation of a scheme for the distribution of the land when acquired.


asked the Chief Secretary if he will state who are the parties the lands of Stylepark, near Croom, county Limerick, have been allotted to; what were their former occupations; where have they come from; how many of them were evicted tenants; and whether the Estates Commissioners will supply the names of those provided with land?


Detailed particulars of the allotments on this and other estates will appear, according as the lands are vested in the purchasers, in the Monthly Returns of Advances presented to Parliament. When the persons who obtain allotments are evicted tenants, the particulars will also appear in the Quarterly Returns presented to Parliament, pursuant to Section 3 of the Evicted Tenants Act. I must refer the hon. Member to those Returns for the information which he requires.