HC Deb 13 April 1910 vol 16 c1370W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that the Estates Commissioners received an application from Mary Ann Eccles, of Ash-grove, Castlefin, county Donegal, for reinstatement on the farm on the estate of Alfred G. Hastings, county Donegal, from which her father, Joseph Mortland, was evicted; that they undertook to provide her with a farm in 1905 or in 1906, or in each of these years; that, acting on the report of their inspector, Mr. Hammond, they promised her a farm on 27th February, 1907; that their inspector, Mr. M'Kinley, recommended her for a farm in February, 1908, first on Fenwick's estate, and then on Stewart of Ards' estate; that another inspector, Mr. Frizell, offered her, on 2nd February, J910, a farm in county Fermanagh; and that she accepted the offer, and has been recently informed that it is not the intention of the Estates Commissioners to deal with her application; and, if so, what reasons do the Estates Commissioners offer for the numerous delays in this case and the disappointments caused to the applicant?


Mrs. Eccles applied to the Estates Commissioners for reinstatement in a holding formerly held by her father, but the hon. Member is under a misapprehension in supposing that the Commissioners promised her a farm; all they said was that they would consider her application in the event of their acquiring untenanted land in the neighbourhood. After full consideration, the Commissioners have decided not to take any action in the matter. It would be contrary to the established practice to state the reasons which actuated them in the exercise of their discretion.