HC Deb 11 April 1910 vol 16 c1042W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the sound-locating system invented by Mr. C. E. Kelway, by means of which it is stated that vessels at sea can maintain communication with coast stations even during a thick fog; and whether he would hold an official inquiry into the practicability, cost, etc., of this system, in view of the need for the protection of shipping off our coasts during foggy weather?


My attention has been called to the system, but I cannot undertake to hold official inquiries into the merits of particular inventions. It must rest with Mr. Kelway to convince shipowners and the general lighthouse authorities as to its practicability. As my hon. Friend, however, is aware, I have already caused Mr. Kelway to be informed through him that my advisers at the Board of Trade are quite ready to see him if he so desires, and to give him any information at their disposal.