HC Deb 10 April 1910 vol 16 c1663W

asked the Chief Secretary what is the cause of the delay in the erection of the cottages in the Mitchelstown No. 2 district, county Limerick, where compensation has been paid to occupiers of land for more than twelve months?


As the hon. Member was informed, in reply to a question asked by him on 22nd September last, the plans originally submitted to the Local Government Board by the Mitchelstown (No. 2) Rural District Council did not comply with the Board's general standard of requirements, either as to the cubic content or the height of the room in the cottages. Amended plans were approved by the Board last October, and the necessary advances have been made to enable the council to acquire the lands and to proceed with the erection of the forty-five cottages authorised by the Orders (unopposed and opposed) confirming the council's scheme. The council accepted tenders in January and February last for the erection of fourteen of the cottages. Nothing would have been gained had they commenced to build earlier in the winter, as I understand that the weather was most unsuitable for building operations.