HC Deb 08 April 1910 vol 16 c856W

asked the Postmaster-General, in reference to the Departmental Committee he is about to appoint to investigate the conditions appertaining to the Post Office factories, whether he will seriously consider the advisability and necessity of including on that Committee officers of the society representing the workers in the said factories?


The Committee which I have appointed will not carry out any direct investigation into the conditions of employment at the Post Office factories, a matter which formed part of the subject of the inquiry by the recent Select Committee of this House on Post Office Servants. The Departmental Committee will inquire into the organisation and equipment of the factories and analogous questions. Although I hope that an important result of their inquiry may prove to be a greater regularity of employment for the workmen engaged, I do not think that the Committee is one on which a representative of the workers' society would serve with advantage.