HC Deb 01 April 1910 vol 15 cc1681-2W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether any directions have been issued, with the sanction of the Home Office, to visiting committees of asylums or to local authorities in regard to the classification of asylums officers for the purposes of pensions under Section 1 of the Asylums Officers Superannuation Act, 1909?


No directions on this subject have been issued, with the. sanction of the Home Office.


asked the, Home Secretary whether any information has been received by the Home Office as to the action taken by asylums' committees or local authorities with a view to give effect to the Asylums Officers Superannuation Act, 1909, which comes into operation on 1st April next; whether any action has been taken by the Commissioners in Lunacy in the matter with the sanction of the Home Secretary; and whether he will under Section 15 of the Act hear and determine appeals in regard to the classification of officers of asylums made by visiting committees, as directed by Section 1 of the Act?


No information has been received by the Home Office; but various questions under the Act were discussed at a conference between the Commissioners in Lunacy and representatives of local authorities, and others, on 14th March. It seems to me that the Secretary of State cannot, under Section 15 of the Act, over-rule a decision of a Visiting Committee in a matter left to their discretion under Section 1 (2).