HL Deb 17 June 2004 vol 662 cc33-4WS
The Minister of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Lord Rooker)

My right honourable friend the Minister for Housing and Planning has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.

The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act received Royal Assent on 13 May. The Government intend to bring the provisions of the Act into force over the coming months through a series of commencement orders. It is the convention that no part of an Act should be brought into effect earlier than two months after Royal Assent other than in exceptional circumstances.

The Act contains a number of powers enabling the Secretary of State to make subordinate legislation such as regulations or orders. The first commencement order will bring the enabling powers to make subordinate legislation into effect, and it is intended that this order will be made in the second half of July. Subordinate legislation will then be made. Our general approach is to bring substantive provisions of the Act relating to England into force by further commencement orders, which will take effect at the same time as the relevant regulations or orders.

The following timetable sets out an indicative timetable for these commencement orders.

Provisions Commencement Date
Regional Planning (Part 1) September 2004 (together with associated regulations and PPS 11)
Local planning (Part 2) September 2004 (together with associated regulations and PPS 12).
Development Plan and Sustainable Development (Part 3) September 2004
Development Control (Part 4) A number of these provisions are dependent on new regulations or changes to the General Development Procedure Order. Where that is

Provisions Commencement Date
the case and the draft regulations or GDPO changes have already been subject to consultation, provisions are expected to be brought into effect in September 2004. Where the regulations or GDPO changes have not yet been subject to consultation, that will take place in the autumn and the provisions are expected to come into effect in early 2005. Regulations on planning obligations will not be made until early 2006.
Slip rule (Part 5) September 2004
Crown Immunity (Part 7, Chapter 1) End 2005
Compulsory Purchase (Part 8) End October 2004

The National Assembly for Wales is responsible for the commencement order for Part 6 of the Act.

Scottish Ministers are responsible for the commencement order for Chapter 2 of Part 7.

The provisions in Part 9 (Miscellaneous) and the schedules will be brought into effect on the same date as the substantive provisions to which they relate.