HL Deb 24 February 2004 vol 658 cc17-20WS
Lord Sainsbury of Turville

My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (Ms Hewitt) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.

Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary supplementary estimate, the Department of Trade and Industry's DEL will be increased by £280,472,000 from £5,297,355,000 to £5,577,827,000 and the administration costs limits will be increased by £2,998,000 from £431,695,000 to £434,693,000.

Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is as set out in the following table:

Change Voted Non-voted Total
Resource (£000) 224,012 1,072,089 3,870,623 4,942,712
Capital (£000) 56,460 310,301 324,814 635,115
Depreciation1 0
(£000) 20,841 93,159 114,000
Total (£000) 280,472 1,361,549 4,102,278 5,463,827

1Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.

The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:


  1. (i) a transfer of £11,200,000 from the Ministry of Defence in support of dual-use aero engine technology programmes;
  2. (ii) a transfer of £67,000 to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in respect of the subscription to UNCLOS;
  3. (iii) a transfer of £385,000 from the Home Office in respect of the Prison Services Pay Review Body;
  4. (iv) a transfer from the Ministry of Defence of £43,000 in respect of the Armed Forces Pay Review Body and £16,000 in respect of the Senior Salaries Review Body;
  5. (v) a transfer of £58,000 from the Northern Ireland Office in respect of the Prison Services Pay Review Body;
  6. (vi) a transfer of £15,000 from the Cabinet Office in respect of the Senior Salaries Pay Review Body;
  7. (vii) a transfer of £79,000 from the Department for Education and Skills in respect of the School Teachers Pay Review Body;
  8. (viii) a transfer of £49,000 from the Department for Transport in respect of the FP6 Sustainable Surface Transport programme;
  9. (ix) a transfer of £195,000 to the Department for Transport for the Low CVP Permanent Secretariat;
  10. (x) reclassification of £24,000,000 in respect of Ofcom establishment costs from resource to capital expenditure;
  11. (xi) a virement of £9,786,000 from voted cost of capital to non-voted cost of capital in respect of Companies House and the Patent Office;
  12. (xii) transfer of £1,000,000 to the Department of Health in respect of Genetic Knowledge Parks;
  13. (xiii) utilisation of £12,200,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement in respect of nuclear support for the former Soviet Union;
  14. (xiv) utilisation of £3,862,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement in respect of the Rover Task Force;
  15. (xv) utilisation of £19,541,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement in respect of innovation and space;
  16. (xvi) utilisation of £12,000,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement in respect of the modernisation of the Post Office network;
  17. (xvii) utilisation of £50,000 from the Capital Modernisation Fund in respect of the Evidence Based Policy Fund study of the UK's e-business performance;
  18. WS 19
  19. (xviii) an increase of £1,498,000 in the non-voted expenditure of Postwatch and an equivalent increase in voted receipts;
  20. (xix) a classification change of £17,683,000 from capital to current expenditure in respect of the National Measurement System PFI deal;
  21. (xx) an increase of £63,893,000 in the non-voted expenditure of the regional development agencies and an equivalent increase in voted receipts;
  22. (xxi) utilisation of £4,500,000 of the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement in respect of non-voted expenditure of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority;
  23. (xxii) utilisation of £15,260,000 of the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for non-voted expenditure of the Competition Commission.


  1. (i) utilisation of £2,930,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for non-voted expenditure of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council;
  2. (ii) utilisation of £461,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for non-voted expenditure of the Medical Research Council;
  3. (iii) utilisation of £1,541,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for non-voted expenditure of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils;
  4. (iv) utilisation of £9,456,000 for resource and £239,000 for capital grants from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for non-voted expenditure of the Natural Environment Research Council;
  5. (v) utilisation of £22,569,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for non-voted expenditure of the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council;
  6. (vi) a transfer of £200,000 from the Department for Education and Skills in respect of Women's Resource Centres;
  7. (vii) utilisation of £24,012,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for the Higher Education Innovation Fund.

Office of Deputy Prime Minister Estimate

  1. (i) utilisation of £67,427,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for European Regional Development Fund expenditure borne of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's estimate;
  2. (ii) utilisation of £22,000,000 from the unused balance of the Department for Work and Pension's end-year flexibility entitlement under the PES pool arrangement for European Development Fund expenditure borne on the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's estimate.

Also within the change to resource DEL, the changes to administration costs limit are:


  1. (i) a transfer of £32,000 from the Home Office in respect of the Prison Services Pay Review body;
  2. (ii) a transfer of £17,000 from the Department for Constitutional Affairs in respect of the Senior Salaries Pay Review Body;
  3. (iii) a transfer of £105,000 from the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs in respect of the Farm Business Advice Service;
  4. (iv) a transfer of £300,000 from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in respect of UK Trade and Investment E-business;
  5. (v) implementation of an agreed classification change of £824,000 from capital to administration in respect of UK Trade and Investment E-business;
  6. (vi) utilisation of £290,000 of Invest to Save funding in respect of claims handling in the Redundancy Payments Service;
  7. (vii) implementation of an agreed virement from programme to administration of £1,500,000 in respect of the Liabilities Management Authority.


  1. (i) a transfer of£70,000 to the Department of Health in respect of the Human Genetics Commission.

The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:


  1. (i) utilisation of £14,100,000 of capital from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for non-voted expenditure of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority;
  2. (ii) an increase of £21,995,000 in the non-voted capital expenditure of the Regional Development Agencies and an equivalent increase in voted receipts;
  3. (iii) reclassification of £24,000,000 in respect of Ofcom establishment costs from resource to capital expenditure;
  4. (iv) utilisation of £20,000,000 from the unused balance of the department's end-year flexibility entitlement for research establishment capital in respect of the National Measurement System and the Teddington PFI deal;
  5. (v) implementation of a classification change of £824,000 from capital to current expenditure in respect of e-business;
  6. (vi) a transfer of £816,000 to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in respect of e-business;
  7. (vii) implementation of an agreed virement of £17,683,000 from capital to resource in respect of the National Measurement System private finance initiative deal, and a classification change of £17,683,000 to reflect the on-balance sheet impact of the National Physical Laboratory virement.