HC Deb 28 October 2003 vol 412 cc8-9WS
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence (Mr. Ivor Caplin)

Skill Force is a nationwide Ministry of Defence originated and Department for Education and Skills supported youth initiative to reengage disaffected 14 to 16 year-olds with mainstream education. There are currently 23 teams operating in around 100 schools with 3,000 participants. Pupils drop two GCSE options in favour of a more vocationally based education. Skill Force mainly uses former military Instructors, who have recently left the armed services to deliver a wide range of Key Skill-based subjects to young people who are in danger of becoming disaffected with the formal academic education system.

Evaluation of the first 12 schemes showed that Skill Force had been very successful in reducing truancy and exclusions by around 80 per cent. and had had a positive impact upon behaviour. As a consequence, DfES has helped to fund a further 11 schemes, which have been operating for a year as part of the behaviour improvement programme.

The Institute of Education, London University, has recently conducted an independent and comprehensive evaluation of Skill Force. The report concluded that: Overall, Skill Force is an extremely well managed programme which provides a unique service to schools. It has been successful in meeting the needs of many disaffected students, improving their motivation, confidence, communication and social skills. It has reduced exclusions, improved behaviour, attendance, attitudes towards education and attainment and also provided students with a range of practical, vocational qualifications. It offers excellent value for money. The comments from students and parents provided in this report are a testament to the opportunities it offers. Perhaps more importantly it has the support of school management. The ethos of Skill Force is positive, 'can do' and focused on problem solving. The challenges outlined above will be tackled with enthusiasm and solutions found.

I am today placing a copy of this report in the Library of the House. We are currently assessing, with the Connexions Service, the impact that Skill Force has had upon participants entering employment, training and education on leaving secondary school in July 2003 at the end of the initial two year course. The Ministry of Defence and the Department for Education and Skills will continue to work together on the longer term future of Skill Force.

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