§ The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mr. Paul Murphy)Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department of Trade & Industry"s DEL will be increased by £280,631,000 from £5,016,724,000 to £5,297,355,000 and the administration costs limits will be increased by £8,329,000 from £423,366,000 to £431,695,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
(£000) New DEL Change Voted Non-voted Total Resource 198,170 980,210 3,738,490 4,718,700 Capital 82,461 289,936 288,719 578,655 Depreciation* 0 -20,841 -93,159 -114,000 Total 280,631 1,249,305 3,934,050 5,183,355