§ The Minister for Pensions (Mr. Ian McCartney)Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary
Resources Capital Change New DEL Of which: voted Non voted Change New DEL Of which: Voted Non voted 61,793,000 7,575,539 6,513,501 1,062,038 20,341 258,769 252,465 6,304 The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
- (i) take up of end year flexibility entitlements (£62,510,000 of which (Administration Costs), £6,000,000 of this entitlement was announced by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury in Table 6 of the 2001–2002 Public Expenditure Outturn White Paper (Cm 5574) as other discretionary
- (ii) an increase of £2,300,000 (Administration Costs) from the Capital Modernisation Fund for costs associated with the Modernising Appeals Delivery Programme
- (iii) the transfer of £1,116,000 (Administration Costs) to the Scottish Executive for expenditure in connection with Work Based Learning for Adults
- (iv) the net transfer of £1,006,000 (£538,000 Administration Costs and £468,000 Other Current expenditure) to Department for Education and Skills for the costs of several minor items which arise from the continuing effects of the Machinery of Government changes
- (v) the transfer of £450,000 (Other Current) to the Home Office as a contribution towards the cost of the Street Crime Initiative
- (vi) an increase in provision of £732,000 (Administration Costs) for the cost of collecting expenses associated with Road Traffic Accidents in England, Scotland and Wales
- (vii) an increase in provision of £350,000 (Administration Costs) for costs associated with accommodation previously shared with another government department
- (viii) a reduction of £190,000 (Administration Costs) -as a result of a recalculation of the costs associated with the unwinding of the PRIME Barter deal
- (ix) an increase of £124,000 (Administration Costs) as a result of a transfer for costs relating to debt management in relation to Working Family Tax Credit
- (x) an increase of £208,000 (Administration Costs) following the transfer from Lord Chancellors Department for costs associated with the Personal Details Programme
- (xi) an increase of £70,000 (Administration Costs) following the transfer from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of costs relating to local Public Service Agreements
- (xii) Administration Cost Limit changes arise from a reduction (£3,165,000) following a review of expenditure requirements, a reduction of (£2,301,000) resulting from the correction to the classification of certain transfers made in the Winter Supplementary Estimate, an increase (£5,595,000) following the virement from Grants, a reduction (£575,000) from the transfer to the Disability Rights Commission Grant in Aid and a reduction (£1,201,000) in Administration Cost related Appropriations in Aid
- (xiii) there is an increase in Appropriations in Aid of £1,739,000.
Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Work and Pensions Departmental Expenditure Limit will be increased by £82,134,000 from £7,752,174,000 to £7,834,308,000 and the administration cost limit by £65,205,000 from £5,558,199,000 to £5,623,404,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are set out in the table:
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
- (i) take up of end year flexibility entitlement of £20,211,000 as announced by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury in Table 6 of the 2001–2002 Public Expenditure Outturn White Paper (Cm 5574).
- (ii) A reduction of £130,000 in non operating Appropriations in Aid.