HC Deb 28 February 2003 vol 400 cc58-60WS
The Secretary of State for Scotland (Mrs Helen Liddell)

Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Scotland Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased by £310,555,000 from £18,290,311,000 to £18,600,866,000. The Scotland Office administration costs limit is unchanged.

The DEL increase takes account of the following:

A reclassification into DEL of £189,603,000 for Edinburgh Royal Infirmary;The take-up of End Year Flexibility (EYF) by the Scottish Executive amounting to £90,000,000;An increase of £1,562,000 to meet the costs of the Lockerbie trial;An increase of £1,156,000 for the Scottish Parliament elections;A reclassification into AME of £5,400,000 for fire service pensions.

The DEL increase also includes the following transfers between the Scottish Executive and other Government departments, amounting to a net increase of £33,634,000. These are:

A transfer of £26,086,000 from the Department of Transport;

Resources Capital
Change New DEL Of which: voted Non voted Change Of which: voted Non voted
947,615 10,378,398 8,937,731 1,440,667 21,112 1,099,814 928,938 170,876

The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:

(i) Claims on the DEL reserve:

Claims on the Treasury DEL reserve of £822,410,000 for RfR01 comprising £185,000,000 to subhead H1 for costs arising from the Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND); £601,696,000 to subhead H2 to cover asylum support costs significantly in excess of budget allocation (£600,000,000) and funding from the Organised Crime Reserve for Project Reflex (£1,696,000); £25,000,000 to RfRO1: subhead AN3 to increase resources for compensation payments and £7,014,000 for additional grant in aid to provide cover for non-recoverable VAT payments. The remaining £3,700,000 is in respect of the Criminal Records Bureau. The bulk of this claim, as last year, simply aligns the resource budget for IND more closely with the actual spend and reflects a long-planned in-year adjustment to the unrealistic budget level originally set in July 2000.

(ii) Criminal Records Bureau:

A reduction of £11,485,000 in RfR01: subhead E1 and a corresponding increase of £37,447,000 in RfR01: subhead E.5 consisting of a reduction in the forecast of receipts, as well as contributions totaling £10,200,000 from Department of Health and Department for Education and Skills. The £25,962,000 increase in the Home Office Admin Resource DEL is offset by additional resources of £3,700,000 from the Treasury Reserve and Admin savings of £22,262,000 from within the Department which will ensure that the Admin cost limit is not exceeded.

(iii) Transfers from Other Government Departments (OGDs) totaling £15,706,000 including:

Cabinet Office to RfFM: subhead CI of £250,000 to provide the appropriate provision for the transfer of the CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear) Team. Department of Culture, Media and Sport to RfR1: subhead G2 of £749,000 for the transfer of the Golden Jubilee Awards Team. Department for Education and Skills of £196,000 to RfR01: subhead J2 in respect of Children & Young peoples Boost (£95,000); subhead G3 for a contribution towards the Voluntary Sector Portal Project (£20,000) and subhead JT for a transfer from the Children's Fund relating to On Track Evaluation

Net transfers of £4,337,000 from the Home Office; Net transfers of £2,050,000 from the Department of Health;Net transfers of £880,000 from the Department for Work and Pensions;A transfer of £358,000 from the Northern Ireland Executive;A transfer of £60,000 from the National Assembly for Wales; andA transfer of £137,000 to the Department for Education and Skills.
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