HC Deb 20 November 2002 vol 394 cc39-41WS
The Minister for Employment Relations, Industry and the Regions (Alan Johnson)

I have published the Regional Development Agencies' reported outputs for the first quarter of 2002–03. These have been placed in the Library of the House and on the DTI website at www.dti. gsi. gov.uk/rda/info/q 1 results.htm Regional Development Agencies' reported outputs in the first quarter of 2002–03.

The tables below show the Regional Development Agencies' Tier 3 targets for 2002–03 and the number of outputs they have reported as delivering by the end of the first quarter (June 2002). RDAs originally set out the annual targets in their Corporate Plans before the target definitions were finalised. Several RDAs have since chosen to rebase their Corporate Plan targets in line with the subsequently agreed methodology. For more information about the performance monitoring of the RDAs please see the DTI Website. A glossary of terms is at annex A.

The RDAs' have stated that the Q1 returns are close to profile, and that as a result, RDAs collectively are broadly on track to achieve their annual targets. When considering the figures below it is also worth bearing in mind the following points: Some RDAs have been focusing attention on developing partnerships or schemes that are expected to deliver the majority of their results in the latter part of the year. Since setting their annual targets some RDAs have identified new opportunities to deliver outputs and are consequently expecting to exceed their targets. All outputs are reported on a Gross Attributable basis. Jobs created as a result of Foreign Direct Investment are reported on a gross basis to Invest UK and have been excluded from the Employment Opportunities table, below.

Table 1—Employment Opportunities: total number of job opportunities as a result of RDA activity—taking new and safeguarded jobs together.

Tier 3 Annual Target Output for quarter 1
SWDA 6,450 597
EEDA 953 270
EMDA 5,150 340
ONE 7,449 608
NWDA 14,532 1,365
SEEDA 2,066 716
LDA 14,450 2,280
AWM 13,545 423
YF 10,500 1,262

Table 2—Business Performance: total number of new businesses added to the regional economy as a result of RDA activities.

Tier 3 Annual Target Output for quarter 1
SWDA 700 26
EEDA 163 84
EMDA 470 33
ONE 406 21
NWDA 804 114
SEEDA 123 17
LDA 990 45
AWM 144 7
YF 700 61

Table 3—Brownfield Land: total number if hectares of land remediated to an acceptable condition and/or recycled into effective use as a result of RDA inputs and activities.

Tier 3 Annual Target Output for quarter 1
SWDA 140 7
EEDA 23 0
EMDA 119 20
ONE 117 2
NWDA 442 110
SEEDA 40 7
LDA 30 23
AWM 259 72
YF 88 4

Table 4—Education and Skills: total number of learning opportunities and/or support provided or influenced as a direct result of RDA support.

Tier 3 Annual Target Output for quarter 1
SWDA 5,400 2,240
EEDA 3,183 665
EMDA 2,375 441
ONE 18,014 1,726
NWDA 32,792 7,052
SEEDA 3,454 631
LDA 8,700 3,623
AWM 16,215 1,487
YF 14,000 2,408
Term Definition
Corporate Plan RDA plans which set out how resources will be used to achieve the objectives set out in their Regional Economic Strategy.
Gross All outputs directly attributable to projects or programmes
Gross Attributable Gross outputs that are directly attributable to RDA input, i.e. the RDA share of the outputs.
SWDA South West Development Agency
EEDA East of England Development Agency
Term Definition
EMDA Ease Midlands Development Agency
ONE One NorthEast
NWDA North West Development Agency
SEEDA South East England Development Agency
LDA London Development Agency
AWM Advantage West Midlands
YF Yorkshire Forward