§ The Minister for School Standards (Mr. David Miliband):The Department for Education and Skills, in conjunction with the National College for School Leadership, carried out a wide-ranging consultation exercise earlier this year on our proposals to make the NPQH mandatory for first time headteachers. Over 650 responses were received from individuals, LEAs and the main teachers' professional associations. Respondents were in favour of the NPQH being made mandatory for first time headteachers. Following this consultation, I have taken the decision that from 1 April 2004, all those appointed to their first headship post in the maintained sector, including nursery schools, and in non-maintained special schools, will be required to hold, or be working towards, the NPQH.
Working towards NPQH means that appointees must have at least successfully applied for a place on the course prior to their first headship appointment. The working towards arrangement is a transitional measure that will be in place for five years until 31 March 2009. After this date, the requirement to hold the NPQH will be a pre-appointment requirement for those appointed to their first headship post.
Those currently serving as headteachers will not be required to gain the qualification.
The NPQH provides aspiring headteachers with practical, professional training and the introduction of the mandatory requirement will give governing bodies a choice of qualified, well prepared new candidates for headship, in addition to any applications from experienced headteachers. We have carried out 29WS extensive modelling work and we are confident that there will be enough holders of the NPQH by April 2004 to meet demand.