HL Deb 07 March 2005 vol 670 c53WA
Lord Morris of Manchester

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What monitoring systems exist to assess the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the Department for International Development-funded reconstruction projects in Montserrat; and what measures are in place to ensure that awards of contracts and grants meet the requirements of the code of practice for the United Kingdom and Montserratian Ministers and public officials. [HL1382]

Baroness Amos

All DfID-funded projects in Montserrat are carefully appraised during preparation, and regularly monitored during implementation by DfID staff and appropriate independent experts. These include a full-time engineering sector manager, who is based in Montserrat. DFID internal audit systems are also applied as appropriate. The procurement practices of DfID and the government of Montserrat are regularly reviewed to ensure effectiveness and value for money. For example, the government of Montserrat's practices were recently assessed by independent specialists as part of a wider review of Montserrat's budget system; and the European Commission has examined them as part of its process of administering allocations to Montserrat from the European Development Fund.