HL Deb 12 January 2005 vol 668 cc69-70WA
Lord Pearson of Rannoch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord McIntosh of Haringey on 3 November (WA 33). how many United Kingdom jobs are dependent on United Kingdom trade with countries outside the European Union; and upon what data their estimate is based. [HL562]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

H M Treasury estimates suggest that around 3 million jobs are linked to UK trade with countries outside the European Union. This figure is calculated on the same basis as previous estimates of how many UK jobs are linked to trade with the EU. The analysis uses ONS data of exports of goods and services to the non-EU, GDP in market prices, UK workforce jobs, compensation of employees, and UK input-output analytical tables.