HL Deb 11 October 2004 vol 665 cc47-8WA
Lord Greaves

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is their definition of the meaning of the word "stakeholder" which is commonly used across government departments. [HL4280]

Lord Bassam of Brighton

There is no agreed government-wide definition of stakeholder because each organisation uses the term in respect of different individuals and groups. It is commonly understood though that a stakeholder is anyone affected by, or capable of influencing, government strategy or services.

Typical stakeholders will be:

  • Customers and other people who use public services
  • Public service employers
  • Staff
  • Delivery partners and suppliers
  • Trade unions and professional associations
  • Trade associations and industry bodies
  • Other government departments and agencies
  • Political and campaigning organisations
  • The voluntary and community sector
  • Organisations representating customers

Government organisations are encouraged to work with stakeholders, both in terms of policy and service delivery, on the understanding that work conducted in isolation from those on whom it will impact is unlikely to deliver any benefit.