HL Deb 11 October 2004 vol 665 cc14-5WA
Lord Faulkner of Worcester

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why the Ministry of Defence is unable to make representations to the Home Office on applications for British citizenship by foreign nationals serving in Her Majesty's Armed Forces or employed by the Ministry of Defence overseas. [HL4213]

Lord Bach

To be accepted for employment in the Armed Forces an applicant, at all times since birth, must have been a British or Commonwealth citizen, or a Republic of Ireland national. A waiver of these requirements may be granted, in exceptional circumstances, to applicants who are British or Commonwealth citizens, or Republic of Ireland nationals, at the time of their application. In the interest of the Service, and for the individuals' careers themselves, a small number of Royal Navy Commonwealth personnel are opting to apply for either dual or full British citizenship. The Royal Navy sponsors these applications on a case by case basis through an agreement with the Home Office. There is no other requirement for the department to make representations to the Home Office on applications for British citizenship by foreign personnel serving in the United Kingdom Armed Forces.

Locally employed civilians who work for the Ministry of Defence overseas are able to apply for British citizenship by virtue of their Crown service. Applications are considered against specific published criteria and judged purely on their merits. There is no place in the process for specific representations although basic facts of employment history are cross-checked with the employing department.

Lord Faulkner of Worcester

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What criteria the Home Office follows when deciding whether to grant British citizenship to Zimbabwean nationals serving in Her Majesty's Armed Forces or employed by the Ministry of Defence; and [HL4212]

Whether any special consideration is given to applications for British citizenship by Zimbabwean nationals who have served in Her Majesty's Armed Forces or are employed by the Ministry of Defence. [HL4214]

The Minister of State, Home Office (Baroness Scotland of Asthal)

Zimbabwean nationals serving (now or in the past) in Her Majesty's Armed Forces or employed by the Ministry of Defence are expected to meet the same criteria as all other applicants for naturalisation. No special consideration is given or distinctions made. The criteria include five years' residence in the UK (three years' residence if married to a British citizen), being free of immigration time restrictions, being of good character and having a sufficient knowledge of the language. If any applicant, Zimbabwean or otherwise, has difficulty meeting a requirement in full as a result of his service in the British Armed Forces the Home Secretary may exercise his discretion on the matter.