HC Deb 05 May 2004 vol 420 c1498W
Mr. Drew

Te ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will make a statement on recent discussions with the Association of Chief Estates Surveyors and Property Managers in Local Government, with specific reference to tenancy reform and estate disposal and restructuring. [169741]

Alun Michael

As part of the Government response to the report of the Tenancy Reform Industry Group, my noble Friend the Lord Whitty met representatives of the Association of Chief Estate Surveyors and Property Managers in local government on 7 April together with representatives from the Local Government Association and farming organisations, to discuss county farms.

The Government value the contribution that the county farm system makes to the tenanted farming sector and the opportunities it provides for new entrants to pursue a career in agriculture. The Government share the concerns of the Tenancy Reform Industry Group about the potential adverse impact that continuing sales of statutory smallholdings might have in the longer term.

The meeting of 7 April discussed a number of issues stemming from the report of the Tenancy Reform Industry Group. This included the regulatory framework under which local authorities provide for statutory smallholdings and the way in which local authorities manage their county farm estates. The meeting also considered the way forward for county farms and how best to maintain a modern and efficient service for the future.

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