HC Deb 18 March 2004 vol 419 cc408-9W
Mr. Luff

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) if he will list the stations at which selective door opening is permitted(a) under grandfather rights and (b) since privatisation; [161528]

(2) for what reasons stations at which selective door opening is permitted under grandfather rights for certain types of rolling stock cannot be extended to other rolling stock fitted with a suitable door control mechanism; [161529]

(3) for what reasons new trains fitted with selective door opening systems are only permitted to use these if the driver cabs are fitted with GPS. [161530]

(4) for what reasons train drivers are required to use GPS in addition to visual checks to establish their location on station platforms.[161773]

Mr. McNulty

The Strategic Rail Authority is preparing a list of stations where selective door opening is permitted, a copy of which will be placed in the House Library shortly. All cases of selective door opening have been introduced since privatisation.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) advise that rolling stock fitted with selective door opening is permitted to stop at stations with short platforms, provided the train operator sets out how the risks associated with selective door opening usage will be managed.

The HSE does not require that train operators using selective door opening make use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS). However, I understand that, on there own initiative, South Central Trains and South East Trains are currently using GPS technology in automatic selective door opening pilot trials.