HC Deb 12 March 2004 vol 418 c1789W
Tony Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many part-time students are in tertiary education, broken down by the age groups(a) 18 to 2:5, (b) 25 to 35, (c) 35 to 45, (d) 45 to 55, (e) 55 to 65 and (f) 65 plus. [159427]

Alan Johnson

[holding answer 10 March 2004,]: The available information is given in the table and shows part-time enrolments at English institutions.

Part-time enrolments1.2 to HE and FE courses at English institutions by age
Age HE study FE study
Under 18 1.585 132,616
18 to 24 129.269 273,916
25 to 34 228.740 396,623
35 to 44 213.194 416,516
45 to 54 112 599 296,169
55 to 64 37,002 176,773
65 years and over 19,195 127,189
Unknown 10,860 16,489
Total 752 444 1,836,291

1Figures are on a snapshot basis. For study in HE institutions, figures are as at 1 December and refer to the academic year 2002/03. For study in FE institutions, University for Industry and external institutions, figures are as at the 1 November and refer to academic year 2001/02. 2 As the figures are calculated on a snapshot basis they will therefore exclude any enrolments after these dates. Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and Learning Skills Council (LSC).