HC Deb 03 March 2004 vol 418 cc969-70W
Mrs. Iris Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what benefits derive from local hospitals providing nurse-led cardiac care services. [157339]

Angela Smith

All cardiac care inpatient services in local hospitals are consultant led. Cardiology nurses involved in the provision of cardiac services deliver essential elements of the patients' care, such as lifestyle advice in the case of cardiac rehabilitation. Their skills and knowledge allow for a more holistic approach to the care of patients.

Mrs. Iris Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will estimate the cost of local hospitals providing a mobile coronary care service involving(a) a senior house officer and (b) nurses only. [157340]

Angela Smith

A number of different models currently exist for mobile coronary care units. Some are led by junior doctors, some by nurses and others by paramedics. Models of service delivery need to be flexible enough to respond to local needs including geography, demographics and existing service provision. Different types of vehicle are used and different grades of staff are involved, even within one discipline such as nursing. There is no average cost or typical unit. Any estimate of costs for a generic model therefore, whether led by doctors or nurses, would not be meaningful.

Mrs. Iris Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what actions doctors can take as part of a mobile coronary care service that cardiology nurses are unable to offer. [157381]

Angela Smith

Mobile coronary care units are staffed by cardiology nurses and/or junior doctors. There is no difference in the procedures that can be undertaken by a doctor and a nurse when involved in a call-out.

During call-outs the coronary care team has access to a telemedicine link with their base hospital, which allows them to obtain the opinion of a senior cardiac doctor if the need arises.

Number of hours (on average) worked by consultants, registrars, senior house officers and junior house officers—week beginning

26 January 2004 (unless otherwise indicated)

Health and social services trusts Consultants Registrars Senior House


Junior House Officers
Altnagelvin Group HSS Trust1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Armagh and Dungannon HSS Trust 43.0 0.0 54.2 0.0
Belfast City Hospital HSS Trust N/A 50.1 48.6 53.2
Causeway HSS Trust 43.0 50.7 45.4 54.8
Craigavon and Banbridge Community HSS Trust2 40.0–44.0 40.0 45.0 0.0
Craigavon Area Hospital Group HSS Trust N/A 48.0–60.0 48.0–55.0 50.0
Down Lisburn HSS Trust N/A 47.3 42.1 50.8
Foyle Community HSS Trust N/A N/A 46.5 0.0
Greenpark Healthcare HSS Trust3 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Homefirst Community HSS Trust4 N/A 32.5 40.3 N/A
Mater Infirmorum Hospital HSS Trusts5 N/A 53.0 46.0 54.0
Newry and Mourne HSS Trust6 40.0 58.0 62.0 56.0
North and West Belfast HSS Trust 40.0 40.0–48.0 40.0–48.0 0.0
Royal Group of Hospitals HSS Trust 45.0–50.0 45.0–50.0 45.0–50.0 50.0–55.0
South and East Belfast HSS Trust N/A 41.9 48.4 0.0