HC Deb 22 June 2004 vol 422 cc1397-8W
Tim Loughton

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what percentage of schoolchildren

LEAs' planned expenditure for secondary schools in England in 2003–04
£ million Percentage of

Total Schools Budget

Schools Budget 12,112 92.63
of which:
(i) Individual Schools Budget 9,985 82.44
(ii) Total Standards Fund 920 7.60
(iii) Schools Standards Grant 314 2.59
£894 million or 7.38 per cent. of the Total Schools Budget is additional expenditure outside of the areas covered by (i), (ii) or (iii) above
Memorandum items (already included in totals above):
Sixth Form—Allocation from LSC for 16+ funding for secondary schools (included in (i)) 1,303 10.76
Expenditure covered by LSC Grant (included in lines within Total Schools Budget)
Sixth form element included in provision for pupils with statements 8 0.07
Sixth form element included in fees for pupils independent special schools and abroad 3 0.03
Sixth form element included in fees to independent schools for pupils without statements 1 0.01
(iv) Total post-16 LSC funding streams 1,315 10.86
1. The financial data are taken from Local Education Authorities' 2003–04 Section 52 Budges Statement Table 1 submitted to the DfES. Gross figures are provided rather than net as income cannot be split by phase of education. All figures are as recorded in LEAs' Section 52 Budget statements. Figures may not sum due to rounding.
2. In addition to the Total Schools Budget for secondary schools £3,012 million was spent tin total LEA central functions and part of this would have been used to support secondary education.
3. Within the schools' budget the amount available for delegation to schools after provision has been made for retained items is known as the Individual Schools Budget (ISB). ISB for secondary schools is £9,985 million of which £1,303 million is supported by the LSC for the funding of education for pupils in Sixth Forms.
4. Total Standards Fund includes: Standards Fund allocation—Revenue (the Standards Fund allocation that the authority expects to devolve to its schools); Standards Fund—Non-Devolved (Standards Fund allocations not yet planned to be devolved to schools or to be spent centrally on items in the schools block; and Specific Formula Grants—Excellence in Cities (expenditure pursuant to a partnership agreement (under the DfES programme known as "Excellence in Cities") made between the authority, the Secretary of State and one or more of the authority's schools. In previous years this was not a separate line item but was recorded under the Devolved Standards Fund).
5. Total post-16 LSC funding streams comprises of the memorandum items of expenditure included within the Total Schools Budget. The allocation from LSC for 16+ funding is included in (i) within the ISB. The sixth form elements of the provision for pupils with statements, the fees to independent schools for pupils without statements and the fees for pupils at independent special schools and abroad

are meeting the school sporting target of participating in two hours minimum a week of sport or physical education. [178443]

Mr. Stephen Twigg

The results of the 2003/04 PE, School Sport and Club Links survey indicated that 62 per cent. of school children within a School Sport Partnership spend 29 minimum of two hours in a typical week on high quality PE and school sport within and beyond the curriculum. A copy of the full report has already been placed in the Libraries of both Houses. The survey is used to measure progress towards meeting our target to increase the percentage of pupils spending a minimum of two hours each week on high quality PE and school sport within and beyond the curriculum to 75 per cent. by 2006.