HC Deb 17 June 2004 vol 422 cc1052-3W
Mr. Yeo

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what the full-time equivalent headcount of the(a) Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, (b) Learning and Teaching Support Network and (c) Higher Education Academy was in each year since 1997; and how much funding was allocated to each body in each year. [178206]

Alan Johnson

The available staffing and funding figures for the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILTHE) and Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) are given in the table. The bulk of LTSN funding is spread over 24 subject centres for setting up, supporting and developing learning and teaching networks and promoting and sharing good practice through projects and events. The HE Academy is currently being set up and both the LTSN and ILTHE have recently joined the academy. It advises that it currently has 60 stall (including those from the ILTHE and LTSN). HEFCE have allocated a budget of £1.9 million for the academy until the end of the 2003/04 academic year.

Academic year HEFCE funding (£ million) Staffing
1998/99 11.19
1999/2000 1 5 14 1 (plus 1 secondee)
2000/01 2 6 23 15
2001/02 2 6 25 18
2002/03 2 6.5 28 23
2003/04 2 6.5 30 22
1 Initial start up costs—no staff in post.
2 From 2000/01—no HEFCE funding. ILTHE sustained through membership fees.