HC Deb 19 July 2004 vol 424 c89W

Alan Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and skills how many Nottingham pupils

Number and proportion of LEA resident pupils in maintained primary1 and secondary1 schools educated in other LEAs and the number and proportion of non-residents educated in schools located within the LEA—January 2003
Primary Secondary
Number of pupils resident within the LEA 25,615 16,451
Number of resident pupils educated in other LEAs 1,365 3,659
Percentage of resident pupils educated in other LEAs2 5.3 22.2
Number of pupils educated within the LEA 25,538 13,937
Number of pupils educated in the LEA that are resident in another LEA 1,288 1,145
Percentage of pupils educated in the LEA that are resident in another LEA3 5 8.2
1Includes middle schools as deemed.
2 Percentage reported is calculated as a percentage of resident pupils living within the LEA.
3 Percentage reported is calculated as a percentage of school population attending schools within the LEA.
NPD 2003.

(ii) Local education authorities are funded for the pupils attending schools within their authority irrespective of the area of residence of the individual pupils (with the exception of SEN pupils where recoupment is arranged locally). Therefore there is no need for funding transfers in respect of cross border movements.

(iii) Data of this type are not currently available.