HC Deb 19 July 2004 vol 424 cc113-4W
Mr. Bacon

To ask the Secretary of State for Health who the Finance Director of(a) the Department, (b) the NHS Appointments Commission and (c) the Food Standards Agency is; what accountancy qualifications each Director holds; and on how many occasions there has been a qualified opinion on (i) the resource accounts and (ii) other accounts of each in the last five years. [183424]

Ms Rosie Winterton

The finance directors/managers of the three bodies and their qualifications are:

Body Name and position Qualification
Department of Health Mr. Richard Douglas

(Finance Director)

National Health Service

Appointments Commission

Ms Lynn Shadford

(Finance Manager)

Food Standards Agency Mr. Allan Hutton

(Finance Director)


In the five year period starting 1999–2000, the Department has prepared resource accounts in each year. The resource accounts were qualified in 1999–2000 arising from limitation in audit scope.

The Food Standards Agency has prepared three sets of resource accounts from 2000—01.

Apart from the above qualified opinion on the Department's resource account, all accounts have been given a true and fair opinion by the comptroller and auditor general.

The first summarised account of the NHS Appointments Commission was qualified in 2001–02 arising from limitation in audit scope. The 2002–03 account was unqualified.

The audit opinions for 203–04 will be available later in the year.