HC Deb 19 January 2004 vol 416 c1082W
David Davis

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how much his Department has spent on advertising the availability of Winter Fuel Payments. [147771]

Malcolm Wicks

In the region of £625,000 was spent on national and regional press and consumer magazine advertising throughout the 2003–04 Winter Fuel Payments campaign.

A wide variety of publicity in other forums was also undertaken to support this advertising.

David Davis

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what studies his Department undertook to find the most effective way of informing people about their eligibility for Winter Fuel Payments. [147772]

Malcolm Wicks

The Department uses a wide range of research on how to reach older people when formulating its communication strategies.

We develop communications in partnership with representative groups such as Age Concern, National Pensioners Convention and Citizens Advice. We have built on our experiences from past years of paying Winter Fuel Payments using communication channels appropriate to our customers.

Annabelle Ewing

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many pensioners in Scotland are(a) eligible for the £300 winter fuel payment for the over eighties and (b) have received it this winter. [148753]

Malcolm Wicks

Analysis of payments made this winter is not yet available and therefore it is not possible to say how many payments were made to households including someone aged 80 or over. Nor have we data to establish how many households include someone who is aged 80 or over and would be eligible for a winter fuel payment of £300.