HC Deb 25 February 2004 vol 418 cc439-42W
Mr. Gray

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) what the population of hen harriers in the UK was (a) at the latest date for which figures are available and (b) in each of the previous 10 years; [154710]

(2) how many breeding pairs of hen harriers (a) established nests and (b) successfully bred in the UK in each of the last 10 years for which figures are available; [154711]

(3) what analysis she has undertaken of the impact of agricultural changes on the breeding success of hen harriers; [154712]

(4) what steps she is taking to encourage the reintroduction of breeding pairs of hen harriers to lowland England. [154713]

Mr. Bradshaw

The most recent estimate of the hen harrier population is based on the results of the 1998 survey of hen harriers in the UK. A total of between 450—591 territorial pairs were found in the UK with a best estimate of 521 pairs. The full results were published in the journal Bird Study 48:341–353 in 2001. There are no directly comparable data for any of the previous 10 years but there is thought not to have been any overall change in the size of the population since the last estimate was published in 1993, for the period 1988–1989 (Bird Study 40: 1–11).

The information regarding breeding pairs of hen harriers is not available for the whole of the UK. However, there were 17 known breeding attempts by hen harriers in England in 2003. Just eight of these were successful. A further five attempts failed before it could be established whether eggs had been laid.

There are currently no steps being taken to encourage the reintroduction of breeding hen harriers to lowland England. The conservation effort for hen harriers in England is focused in upland moorland areas in northern England where hen harriers have nested regularly in recent decades. We believe that a cessation of illegal persecution in England, and elsewhere in the UK, would allow the population to recover naturally, obviating the need for any reintroduction programme. Furthermore, we believe that, in contrast to the Red Kite programme, the reintroduction would not be in accordance with IUCN guidelines, insofar as we cannot be certain that the factors which brought about their loss from the English lowlands (almost certainly habitat loss and persecution) no longer pertain.

The Government have not specifically conducted an analysis of the impact of agricultural changes on the breeding success of hen harriers. However, agricultural change and persecution are widely held to have been responsible for the historical decline, to currently low levels, of the UK population. Currently, illegal persecution appears to be the main factor limiting hen harrier population size and breeding success over much of its range.

This contrasts with Orkney, where the population has declined dramatically since the end of the 1970s. The decline here is thought to relate to declining prey availability, resulting from changes in agriculture, particularly a decrease in the area of rough grazing and an increase in sheep densities. Full details were published in Biological Conservation 111: 377–384 in 2003

It should be noted that in the absence of illegal persecution, hen harrier numbers might be expected to increase, if moorland burning regimes for both agricultural and grouse management purposes are altered. This would allow the development of taller heather swards and thus an increase in the area of suitable nesting habitat available to hen harriers. English Nature's Hen Harrier Recovery Project has shown that the inappropriate burning of moorland is a serious problem for the small number of hen harriers nesting in England. This results in the loss of nesting habitat and, in some cases, the destruction of active nests.

Mr. Gray

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) when she last met(a) English Nature and (b) the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds to discuss hen harriers; [154719]

(2) what representations she has received from (a) English Nature and (b) the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds on hen harriers; [154720]

(3) when she last met the (a) British Association of Shooting and Conservation, (b) the Countryside Alliance, (c) the Game Conservancy Trust and (d) the Moorland Association to discuss hen harriers. [154721]

Mr. Bradshaw

With Regards to English Nature there has been no formal meeting to discuss, or specific representations received, on the position of hen harriers in England. However, we have received representations on habitats, including upland heathland, which support hen harrier populations, in relation to the condition of sites of special scientific interest. English Nature has also provided briefing on the establishment and progress of their Hen Harrier Recovery Project.

The RSPB met with my hon. Friend, the Minister of State for Environment, (Mr. Morley), in late 2002 to discuss Hen Harriers. Ministers met with the Game Conservancy Trust in May 2000, after the publication of the Raptor Working Group final report. Discussions focussed on the issues and recommendations surrounding this report. A further meeting is in the process of being arranged, for which the agenda has not yet been determined.

I met with BASC in November last year, though we did not discuss hen harriers. I have been invited to meet with the Countryside Alliance. However, due to other pressing diary commitments I have had to decline. This meeting was not to specifically discuss the issue surrounding Hen Harriers. Ministers have not met with the Moorland Association regarding the position of hen harriers in England.

Mr. Gray

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what discussions she has had with the Joint Nature Conservation Committee on(a) hen harriers and (b) Operation Artemis; [154722]

(2) what involvement she had in planning Operation Artemis; [154723]

(3) whether she intends Operation Artemis to be a long-term solution to the position of the hen harrier in England. [154726]

Mr. Bradshaw

The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has had no direct discussions with JNCC concerning Operation Artemis, nor the position of hen harriers in England.

Operation Artemis is a police-led initiative aimed at combating the illegal persecution of hen harriers in the United Kingdom. Defra officials have had no direct involvement planning the Operation but outline proposals were presented at the Police and Customs Wildlife Enforcement Conference at Exeter in October 2003. This annual event is organised by Defra as part of its support for the Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime (PAW).

Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom (North Wales Police and co-chair of PAW) is due to launch Operation Artemis at the forthcoming PAW Open Seminar to be held in London on 24 February 2004. In the absence of full details of the range of activities planned by the Police Service and other partners, it is too early to assess whether or not this initiative is likely to offer a long—term solution to the issue of illegal persecution of hen harriers in England.

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