§ Miss McIntoshTo ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will list those individuals and organisations to whom(a) her Department, (b) its Executive Agencies and (c) the non-departmental public bodies for which her Department is responsible sent a copy of the consultations (i) sustainable farming and food: meeting the new data needs: a consultation document and (ii) consultation on the implementation of the dairy elements of the Common Agricultural Policy reform package; and from whom each received a response in each case. [152249]
§ Alun MichaelThe Consultation Document on new data needs for sustainable farming and food was published on the Defra and Office for National Statistics websites and widely circulated. Copies were also placed in the House Library. 36 responses were received from outside the Department. They have informed the National Statistics Strategic Review of Farming and Food Statistics, which is nearing completion. It is expected that a report of this review (together with the results from the consultation) will be published shortly.
The consultation on the implementation of the dairy elements of the CAP reform package closed on 3 February. Details of responses received will be published shortly.
A list of those who were sent a copy of these consultations has been placed in the Library of the House. Respondents are identified with an asterisk.
In answer to Parts B and C of this question, this information is not held centrally and to do so would incur disproportionate costs.