HC Deb 03 February 2004 vol 417 cc839-41W
Mr. Hood

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what the outcome was of the General Affairs and External Relations Council held on 26–27 January; what the Government's stance was on the issues discussed, including their voting record; and if he will make a statement. [151974]

Mr. MacShane

The information is as follows:

Outcome of the 26 January 2004 General Affairs and External Relations Council

My right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary and I represented the UK at the General Affairs and External Relations Council in Brussels on 26 January 2004. My hon. Friend the Under-Secretary of State for International Development represented the UK for the Orientation debate.

Conclusions were agreed on the Orientation debate; Western Balkans; Georgia; Middle East Peace Process; Afghanistan; Colombia; European Security Strategy; and conflict prevention in Africa.

General Affairs Session

Debate on operational programme of Council activities for 2004

The Council held a public debate on the annual operational programme, which the Irish and Dutch presidencies presented at the December GAERC. The programme aims to build on the work of the Greek and Italian presidencies from 2003. It covers the economic reform agenda, justice and home affairs, and external relations. The debate concentrated on implementation of the European Security Strategy and on conflict prevention in Africa.

Progress of work in other Council configurations

The presidency gave a standard progress report on work in other Councils. The report highlighted the results of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council; the Agriculture and Fisheries Council; the Environment Council; and the Economic and Financial Affairs Council. There was no discussion.

MEPs Statutes

The Council examined a draft Decision of the European Parliament on the Statute for Members of the European Parliament. In June 2003, the Council had indicated that it could not give its approval to an earlier draft of the Statute. In December the European Parliament proposed a number of amendments. The Council failed to reach the necessary qualified majority to agree the Statute. The presidency concluded that he would report this decision back to the EP.

External Relations Session

Orientation debate

The Under-Secretary of State for International Development represented the UK for the annual discussion on the effectiveness of EU external action programmes. This year's discussion was structured around three headings (i) EU leadership in progressing development issues multilaterally, (ii) maximising effectiveness of EU external assistance, and (iii) meeting the Millennium Development Goals. Conclusions were agreed on a number of steps to improve the effectiveness of EU aid; including the introduction of more transparent resource allocation.


High Representative, Javier Solana, reported on his visit to Iran on 12-13 January. Ministers welcomed steps taken by Iran, in the nuclear area (particularly the signature and implementation of the Additional Protocol to the Non-proliferation Treaty) but underlined the need for Iran to comply fully with the IAEA Board of Governors' November Resolution. The Council agreed to return to the issue after the next report on Iran's nuclear programme by Mohammed El Baradei, the IAEA Director-General. There was also discussion on the current political situation.


In line with the mandate of the 12–13 European Council, the GAERC discussed the embargo on the sale of arms to China. It invited the Permanent Representatives Committee and the Political and Security Committee to look into the matter, with a view to returning to the issue later in the year.


The presidency reported on the 25 January inauguration of President Saakashvili. High Representative Solana also gave a read out of his 14–15 January visit to Georgia. Conclusions were agreed which: provided for targeted assistance to Georgia, pressed for progress on economic reform and tackling corruption; and mandated the Commission to bring forward a recommendation on the relationship of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to the European Neighbourhood Initiative before the end of the Irish presidency.

Middle East Peace Process

The presidency reported on its recent talks in Israel and Egypt. There was discussion on possible ways forward to overcome the current deadlock. Short Conclusions were adopted on the recent Israel-Hizbollah agreement to exchange prisoners. The Council expressed the hope that this exchange would clear the way for the resolution of all remaining issues between Israel and Lebanon concerning prisoners.

Western Balkans

The Council adopted Conclusions on the 28 December Serbian parliamentary elections calling for the democratic parties to work together to ensure the early formation of a government committed to the reform agenda and to further progress towards EU membership. Conclusions also welcomed the successful launch of the EU police mission—PROXIMA—in Macedonia and the appointment of new EU Special Representative, Jesen-Peterson.

The High Representative also notified Ministers of the death of Commissioner Sven Frederiksen, the head of EU Police Mission in Bosnia.


High Representative Solana debriefed on his 14 January visit to Kabul. Conclusions were adopted welcoming the new constitution and calling for increased efforts to restore security ahead of the elections in the summer.

A0B: Colombia

Commissioner Patten gave a report of his recent visit to Colombia.

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