HL Deb 13 December 2004 vol 667 cc54-5WA
Lord Laird

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What government bodies the Criminal Justice Directorate has met since June. [HL142]

Baroness Amos

As part of the Northern Ireland Office, the Criminal Justice Directorate advises on and implements the Government's criminal justice policies in Northern Ireland. It works with a very wide range of other Government bodies, including both Northern Ireland and Whitehall departments, agencies and other publicly-funded organisations.

Since June 2004, officials within the Criminal Justice Directorate have met representatives of the following bodies:

  • Cabinet Office
  • Compensation Agency
  • Coroners Service
  • Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
  • Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel
  • Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
  • Criminal Justice Inspectorate Northern Ireland
  • Crown Solicitors Office
  • Department of Agriculture and Rural
  • Development, Northern Ireland
  • Department of Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland
  • Department of Education, Northern Ireland
  • Department of Finance and Personnel, Northern Ireland
  • Department of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern Ireland
  • Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety, Northern Ireland
  • Down & Lisburn Health & Social Services Trust
  • Eastern Health Social Services Board
  • Forensic Science Northern Ireland
  • Foyle Health & Social Services Trust
  • Health Estates Agency
  • Home Office
  • Judicial Studies Board
  • Northern Ireland Court Service
  • Northern Ireland Fire Service
  • Northern Ireland Housing Executive
  • Northern Ireland Prison Service
  • Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
  • North & West Belfast Health & Social Services Trust
  • Northern Health & Social Services Board
  • Office for Criminal Justice Reform
  • Office of the Justice Oversight Commissioner
  • WA 55
  • Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister
  • Planning Service for Northern Ireland
  • Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
  • Police Service of Northern Ireland
  • Probation Board for Northern Ireland
  • Royal Group of Hospitals Trust
  • Scottish Executive
  • Social Services Inspectorate
  • South & Eastern HSS Trust
  • South Eastern Education & Library Board
  • Southern Health & Social Services Board
  • State Pathologist's Department
  • Western Health & Social Services Board
  • Youth Justice Agency Northern Ireland
  • Youth Justice Board for England & Wales.