HC Deb 21 April 2004 vol 420 c526W
Mr. Stephen O'Brien

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what the(a) resource budget, (b) administration costs and (c) staff numbers were for 2003 of the (i) Community Development Foundation, (ii) Advisory Board on Restricted Patients, (iii) Poisons Board, (iv) Technical Advisory Board, (v) Insurance Cover Working Group, (vi) Ministerial Advisory Group on Retail Crime, (vii) Vehicle Crime Reduction Action Team and (viii) Review of the Law Relating to Bribery and Corruption. [164020]

Fiona Mactaggart

The Community Development Foundation (CDF) is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) and, for the financial year 2003-04, hadan estimated resource budget of £902,000; estimated administrative costs of £755,000; and average staff numbers of 46.7 full-time equivalents.

Advisory NDPBs do not have a resource budget. Their secretariat and administration costs are borne by the Department. Members of the Board are public appointees and are remunerated accordingly. The Advisory Board for Restricted Patients has not met since 2001; The Poisons Board has not met for the last 12 years; and The Technical Advisory Board has no resource budget. The Home Office provides secretariat and administrative support. The Board consists of 13 members including a Chairman. All Board members are public appointees and work on a part-time basis. The Chairman's remuneration is £400 per day plus expenses and other members receive expenses only.

Ad hoc advisory groups and reviews are essentially Home Office working groups. They do not have a resource budget or permanent staff. The Insurance Cover Working Group (ICWG) is a Home Office working group, which meets three times a year. During the Financial Year 2003–04, the ICWG incurred an estimated administration cost of £1,206. The Ministerial Advisory Group on Retail Crime is no longer operating and did not meet during the Financial Year 2003–04. The Vehicle Crime Reduction Action Team (VCRAT) meets three times a year and, for the Financial Year 2003–04, incurred an estimated administration cost of £5,113. The Review of the Law Relating to Bribery and Corruption has not met since June 2000.