HL Deb 08 September 2003 vol 652 cc88-9WA
Lord Marlesford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish a table, in the same format as their Written Answer of 22 May 2002 (WA 104) showing the number of cases of BSE confirmed each week in Britain during the calendar years 2002 and 2003 to date, together with the moving annual total of cases for each 52-week period. [HL4140]

Lord Whitty

The number of Active and Passive Surveillance cases of BSE confirmed in Great Britain during each week of 2002 and in the current year to 18 July and the moving annual totals of "confirmed" and "reported" cases for each 52-week period.
Week No Passive Surveillance Active Surveillance Reported1
Number confirmed each week Running 52 week total Number confirmed each week Running 52 week total Running 52 week total
28 7 689 19 604 1120
29 1 680 0 604 1103
30 4 661 11 615 1096
31 4 658 7 622 1078
32 22 669 16 633 1078
33 9 642 9 642 1054
34 7 641 10 638 1049
35 6 643 5 637 1046
36 3 629 8 637 1033
37 8 626 4 741 1029
38 7 623 5 627 1016
39 7 600 19 640 998
40 11 578 7 637 978
41 6 572 6 621 970
42 8 550 11 624 951
43 9 544 2 601 940
44 4 516 7 602 933
45 13 517 18 605 939
46 5 513 2 582 924
47 13 515 12 591 906
48 22 536 23 586 899
49 3 514 31 611 893
50 11 514 6 601 883
51 5 507 9 598 879
52 1 508 0 598 876
1 Reported—number of cases placed under restriction during the period. Refers only to passive surveillance cases.

Passive Surveillance Active Surveillance Reported
Week No Number confirmed each week Running 52 Week total Number confirmed each week Running 52 Week total Running 52 Week total
1 0 508 0 598 878
2 7 496 15 613 865
3 2 476 10 623 851
4 2 466 28 600 844
5 4 468 7 586 830
6 5 448 7 564 828
7 6 439 4 538 817
8 5 435 37 568 795
9 6 425 5 558 784
10 3 418 13 567 777
11 5 409 15 551 776
12 2 392 13 564 767
13 8 388 13 543 764
14 3 391 2 545 751
15 2 367 12 544 734
16 0 366 5 519 717
17 7 353 16 535 702
18 0 337 0 522 681
19 8 338 16 530 678
20 1 324 0 529 664
21 6 323 22 539 648
22 3 310 2 532 642
23 5 315 8 539 648
24 0 298 7 524 637
25 4 294 0 519 626
26 2 291 17 520 612
27 5 296 1 521 605
28 4 293 10 512 599
29 2 294 2 514 594