HC Deb 02 September 2003 vol 410 c2W
Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many trainees have been(a) killed and (b) injured in the last 10 years; and in each case what the type of training being undertaken and the cause of injury or death was. [123950]

Mr. Caplin

Between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 2002 there were 112 Regular Service trainees killed through fatal injuries. It is not possible to provide individual details for each trainee as this would compromise service personnel confidentiality. Comprehensive information on non-fatal injuries is not held centrally, and could be provided only at disproportionate cost. The following table provides details of the deaths of the trainees killed as a result of injuries, broken down by cause.

Regular armed forces trainee personnel killed due to fatal injuries: 1993–2002
Cause of death Number killed
Training and Exercises-Accidents 10
Firearms 3
Environmental factors (e.g. Excessive heat/cold pressure) 3
Road traffic accidents 1
Drowning 1
Falls, twisting, turning, slipping etc. 2
On-Duty Accidents 10
Road traffic accidents 5
Firearms1 2
Aircraft 2
Parachute 1
Off-Duty Accidents 68
Road traffic accidents 46
Poisoning 6
Hanging, suffocation, strangulation etc. 5
Falls, twisting, turning, slipping etc. 4
Firearms1 2
Drowning 2
Aircraft 1
Machinery and tools 1
Water transport 1
Suicide2 23
Off duty criminal shooting 1
Total killed 112
1 Includes deaths awaiting coroner's verdicts.
2 Defined as coroner's verdicts of suicide and open. Please note that suicide and open verdicts are subject to change as outstanding coroner's verdicts are reported.