HL Deb 20 October 2003 vol 653 c156WA
Lord Tomlinson

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When there will be an efficiency review covering the public sector. [HL4962]

Lord Bassam of Brighton

My right honourable friend the Chancellor for the Exchequer announced an efficiency review of the public sector in his spring Budget speech (House of CommonsOfficial Report, 9 April, col. 271–88). The review is being conducted by a joint team from the Cabinet Office and Her Majesty's Treasury.

The Minister for the Cabinet Office, Mr Douglas Alexander, has today placed in the Libraries of the House copies of the consultation document Efficiency Review—Releasing Resources to the Front Line. The consultation seeks the views of a wide range of public sector employees and other interested parties to inform the review, with initial views requested by 21 November 2003. A more detailed consultation will be undertaken when specific proposals have been developed.