HL Deb 06 November 2003 vol 654 c129WA
Earl Russell

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What has been the cost to date to public funds of legal proceedings under the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. [HL4923]

Lord Goldsmith

Litigation services under the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 are provided to the Secretary of State for the Home Department by the Treasury Solicitor's Department. The cost of these services to 5 November 2003 is –303,414.12, excluding disbursements incurred but not yet paid. This does not include the costs of one small category of proceedings under the Act in respect of which no separate record of costs is kept.

In so far as the noble Lord is also asking about the costs of legal aid in respect of proceedings under that Act, the Legal Services Commission does not record the expenditure by reference to individual Acts. I am therefore unable to provide a figure for such costs.