HC Deb 20 March 2003 vol 401 c925W
Mr. Flight

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate he has made of expenditure on the minimum income guarantee if there is(a) 100 per cent., (b) 95 per cent., (c) 90 per cent. and (d) 85 per cent. take-up of the scheme. [102590]

Mr. McCartney

Expenditure on the minimum income guarantee for 2002–03 is expected to be around £4.5 billion. This reflects the current number of MIG recipients recorded in administrative data and any fluctuations expected throughout the financial year.

The Department does not produce forecasts of expenditure on the basis of different levels of take-up. An indication of the likely expenditure under different levels of take-up can be estimated using the Department's publication "Income-Related Benefits Estimates of Take-up in 1999– 2000". This shows expenditure take-up of the MIG for 1999–2000 to be in the range of 74 per cent. to 86 per cent.

Based on the midpoint of this range, and on the strong assumption that recent levels of expenditure take-up continue into the future, the table below provides an estimate of likely MIG expenditure under different

Allegations of fraud committed by contractors engaged through the New Deal, April 1998 to November 2002
1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 April-November 2002 Totals
Number of allegations 165 283 570 390 461 1,869
Number that went to full investigation Not available Not available 62 99 117 278
Estimated loss (£) Not available Not available 520,206.25 1,030,894.17 233,471.09 1,784,571.51


1. Information on the number of allegations that went to full investigation and on the estimated loss for 1998–99 and 1999–2000 could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

2. The information concerning recovery of this money is not available.


Jobcentre Plus Contractor and Programme Investigation Unit.