HL Deb 18 March 2003 vol 646 cc25-6WA
Lord Laird

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the change in the numbers of Protestants and Roman Catholics in employment in Northern Ireland over the past 10 years. [HL1964]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

The most recent available data disaggregated by religion are from the 2001 Labour Force Religion Report. The following figures are grossed up estimates of those in employment for the two religious groups derived from the annual labour force surveys for the years 1991 and 2001. These are sample surveys and the results are subject to sampling error.

Both sexes 1991 2001 Net Increase "%Increase
Protestant 345,000 377,000 +32,000 +9
Roman Catholic 216,000 278,000 +62,000 +29
Protestant 198,000 209,000 +11,000 +5
Roman Catholic 121.000 156,000 +35,000 +29
Protestant 147,000 168,000 +21,000 +15
Roman Catholic 94,000 122,000 +27,000 +29

(All calculations in the above table are based on unrounded estimates. The figures presented have, however, been rounded to the nearest 1,000 persons for ease of reference).

Lord Laird

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What evidence they have of unemployment differentials between different denominations within the Protestant community in Northern Ireland. [HL1966]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

According to the 1991 census, which provides the most accurate information currently available, the levels of unemployment among the main Protestant denominations within Northern Ireland were as follows:

Unemployment Rate
Male Female Both Sexes
Presbyterian 10.94% 6.90% 9.27%
Church of Ireland 15.74% 9.54% 13.19%
Methodist 10.52% 6.88% 8.94%

The relevant results from the 2001 census will be published shortly.