HC Deb 12 March 2003 vol 401 c332W
Mr. Brazier

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) what preliminary information is available from conducting the Ambition Construction Initiative pilots; [98015]

(2) what contracts have been awarded and in what locations, to deliver the Ambition Construction Initiative; to whom they have been awarded; what timescale has been set for delivering the contracts; and what delays there are compared with the original tender specifications. [98020]

Mr. Nicholas Brown

Since June 2002, we have launched six Ambition Construction pilots to help unemployed and disadvantaged people gain the right skills to meet the needs of employers in the construction industry.

The pilots are in their early stages and it is too soon to draw conclusions about their performance. However, initial indications are that there is a strong commitment from employers and training providers to making the programme a success. We are monitoring the pilots closely and are working in partnership with the contractors and employers to ensure that the needs of the construction industry are being met and the job opportunities available to participants are maximised.

The table identifies the location of the six pilots, the contracts awarded and the period they cover.

those decisions and made with reference to the 'rural proofing' checklist developed by the Countryside Agency.