HC Deb 04 March 2003 vol 400 cc924-5W
Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the European-recognised Area of Special Scientific Interest sites in Northern Ireland. [97942]

Angela Smith

There are two classes of site recognised for their scientific interest at the European level: Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) under the Habitats Directive (1992); and Special Protection Areas (SPA) under the Birds Directive (1979).

Final agreement on the UK list of candidate SAC has not yet been reached with the European Commission. Among those proposed for the UK, the following sites are in Northern Ireland.

  • Aughnadarragh Lough
  • Ballynahone Bog
  • Ballykilbeg
  • Banagher Glen
  • Bann Estuary
  • Binevenagh
  • Black Bog
  • Breen Wood
  • Carn/Glenshane Pass
  • 925W
  • Cladagh (Swanlinbar) River
  • Cranny Bogs
  • Cuilcagh Mountain
  • Curran Bog
  • Dead Island Bog
  • Deroran Bog
  • Derryleckagh
  • Eastern Mournes
  • Fairy Water Bogs
  • Fardrum and Roosky Turloughs
  • Garron Plateau
  • Garry Bog
  • Hollymount
  • Largalinny
  • Lecale Fens
  • Lough Melvin
  • Magheraveely Marl Loughs
  • Magilligan
  • Main Valley Bogs
  • Monawilkin
  • Moneygal Bog
  • Moninea Bog
  • Montiaghs Moss
  • Murlough
  • North Antrim Coast
  • Owenkillew River
  • Peatlands Park
  • Pettigoe Plateau
  • Rathlin Island
  • Rea's Wood and Fair's Bay
  • Rostrevor Wood
  • Slieve Beagh
  • Slieve Gullion
  • Strangford Lough
  • Teal Lough
  • Tonnagh Beg Bog
  • Tully Bog
  • Turmennan
  • Upper Ballinderry River
  • Upper Lough Erne
  • West Fermanagh Scarplands
  • Wolf Island Bog
  • The sites classified as SPAs are:
  • Belfast Lough
  • Carlingford Lough
  • KiHough Bay and Strand Lough
  • Larne Lough (incorporating Swan Island SPA)
  • Lough Neagh and Lough Beg
  • Outer Ards
  • Pettigoe Plateau
  • Rathlin Island(Incorporating Rathlin Cliffs SPA)
  • Sheep Island
  • Strangford Lough
  • Upper Lough Erne
  • Lough Foyle

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