HC Deb 14 July 2003 vol 409 cc83-4W
Dr. Francis

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment he has undertaken of the effectiveness of Workstep as a replacement for

under this Directive will replace those that currently exist under the Control of Pesticides Regulations. HSE is the Competent Authority for the Biocidal Products Directive in the UK. The evaluation of products includes an assessment of the possible effects to non-target species.

The HSE has produced guidance on the safe use of rodenticides on farms and holdings, and is currently compiling specific guidance for the safe use of rodenticides in urban areas. A copy has been placed in the Library. Information and advice for the user of a rodenticide on how a product should be applied is given on the product label, and is specific for each product.

The enforcement of the Control of Pesticides Regulations is split between the relevant enforcing bodies, which include HSE, Local Authorities and DEFRA. Which authority carries out the enforcement action is dependant on whether the product was used by a member of the public or someone employed to carry out a treatment, where the product was used and whether people, animals or the environment could have been affected by the treatment. The HSE free leaflet `Reporting Incidents of Exposure to Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines' (INDG14) provides advice to members of the public on which body to contact and is available from HSE Books. A copy has been placed in the Library.