HC Deb 14 July 2003 vol 409 c83W
Mr. Randall

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what part of his Department has special responsibility for(a) assessing the impact of rodenticides on non-target wildlife, (b) producing guidelines on good practice in the use of rodenticides and (c) ensuring that rodenticides are used in accordance with legal requirements. [124635]

Mr. Browne

The Health and Safety Executive has recently taken over responsibility from DEFRA for the registration and assessment of rodenticides under the Control of Pesticides Regulations. Five Government Departments are signatories to these regulations, DWP, DEFRA, DH, Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales. The policy lead for vertebrates and wildlife issues remains with DEFRA. Rodenticides will be among the first chemicals to be reviewed under the EU Biocidal Products Directive next year and controls

Date Payment in advance Payment in arrears
Thursday, 11 September 2003 Man becomes 65 years
Monday, 15 September 2003 Receives £77.45 full week's payment for the forthcoming week Receives £44.28 (4/7ths of £77.45) for the period 11 September 2003
Regular weekly payments continue
Monday, 22 September 2003 Receives full week's SP for the period 22 September 2003 to 28 September 2003 Receives full week's SP for the period 15 September 2003 to 21 September 2003
Wednesday, 24 September 2003 Man dies
Monday, 29 September 2003 No entitlement 3/7ths of SP for the period 22 September 2003 to 24 September 2003 due to the estate

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