HC Deb 09 July 2003 vol 408 c858W
Mrs. Gillan

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many beds were available in care homes in(a) Chesham and Amersham and (b) Buckinghamshire in each year since 1st January 1996. [123907]

Dr. Ladyman

The latest available information on the number of residential and nursing care home places in Buckinghamshire since 1996 is shown in the table. Information on the number of carehome places in Chesham and Amersham is not centrally available.

Residential and Nursing home places in Buckinghamshire 1996 to 2001
(rounded numbers)
Total number of care home places1
As at 31 March 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
BuAinghainshire Area2 4,710 4,140 5,310 5,350 5,300 5,380
1 Total includes places in residential LA staffed, independent and dual registered homes, and beds in general and mental nursing homes, private hospitals and clinics.
2 Nursing home data refers to Buckinghamshire Health Authority. For comparative purposes, residential data refers to Buckinghamshire Shire County for the years 1996 and 1997 and Buckinghamshire Shire County and Milton Keynes Unitary Authority for 1998 onwards (Milton Keynes Unitary Authority did not exist prior to 1998).


RA Form A and K036, RH(N) forms, Department of Health