HC Deb 07 July 2003 vol 408 c567W
Miss McIntosh

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many(a) start ups of new businesses and (b) businesses going into receivership there were in each of the last three years in (i) England and Wales and (ii) North Yorkshire. [123483]

Nigel Griffiths

New business start-ups are measured officially by VAT registrations. The latest data is available for 2001.

VAT registrations 1999–2001
1999 2000 2001
England and Wales 163,485 168,455 160,280
Former Country of North Yorkshire1 2,240 2,30 2,210
1Includes York UA


Business start-ups and closures: VAT Registrations and De-registrations 1980–2001, Small Business Service

Receivership data is published by DTI. No regional or local area data is available.

Receivership appointments1 2000–02
England and Wales Number
2000 1,595
2001 1,914
2002 1,541
1 Includes administrative receiverships and others, for example under the Law of Property Act 1925
