HC Deb 11 April 2003 vol 403 cc445-6W
Jon Trickett

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what decision-making processes were adopted on determining the outcomes of the local exercise activity pilots; [106499]

(2) what criteria were used to determine the winning local exercise activity pilot in Yorkshire. [106498]

Ms Blears

The overall aims and objectives of the local exercise action pilots (LEAP) programme were included in the original invitations for 'expressions of interest', sent by regional directors of public health to primary care trusts (PCTs) within neighbourhood renewal fund areas. The criteria regarding target groups, location, partnership working and innovative practice were highlighted throughout the application process and in the assessment guidance to regions. The criteria were applied to the decision-making process, both at the 'expression of interest' stage and, again, once the bids were fully worked up. PCTs completed a structured application form, which asked for further details under the headings of the criteria and some additional contextual information such as the local evidence base and their monitoring and evaluation framework.

Following initial expressions of interest, 31 short-listed PCTs submitted full applications, which were assessed by regional panels, led by public health colleagues and representatives from the funding partners, Sport England and the Countryside Agency.

Central to the assessment process was the involvement and commitment of the regions. The regional panels were best placed to assess the individual applications. Their recommendations were then reviewed by the national management group. This consisted of the Department of Health, Sport England, the Countryside Agency and the Local Government Association. The role of the management group was to ensure the nine pilots selected provided a national cross section, in terms of target audiences, locations, range of partners and innovative interventions.

The management group was in agreement with the recommendations made by the regional panels.

Jon Trickett

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many local exercise activity pilot bids secured private sector partners; and how many secured private sector contributions of over £50,000; [106500]

(2) if he will list the successful local exercise activity pilots, indicating in each case (a) the health deprivation indexes of the relevant populations, (b) the partner organisations engaged, (c) the non-health funding levered in, (d) the number of general practitioner referral schemes created, (e) the non-health objectives to be achieved and (f) the health benefits to be achieved. [106497]

Ms Blears

A list of the successful local exercise activity pilots (LEAP) with the health benefits to be achieved, the number of general practitioner referral schemes created and the main partner organisations engaged, has been placed in the Library.

All of the pilots are located within neighbourhood renewal areas. As such they are among the 50 most deprived on at least one of the six district level measures in the Indices of Deprivation 2000 or on at least one of the four measures of the old Index of Local Deprivation.

Two of the pilots (East of England–Great Yarmouth and Yorkshire and Humber–North Kirklees) secured private sector partners. The private sector contributions in both cases were less than £50,000.

The main focus of the LEAP is upon health objective. However, all of the successful pilots anticipate additional benefits that extend beyond health outcomes. Each pilot site has identified the respective national service framework and planning and priorities framework targets that it will address and the associated health benefits.