HC Deb 31 October 2002 vol 391 cc915-6W
Mr. Connarty

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what the outcome was of the Fisheries Council held in Brussels on 14 and 15 October; what the Government's stance was on each issue discussed, including its voting record; and if she will make a statement. [76019]

Margaret Beckett

My hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary represented the United Kingdom at the meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Luxembourg on 14–15 October. The Scottish Minister for Environment and Rural Development also attended.

The Council considered three proposals on food safety, covering the monitoring and control of zoonoses and genetically modified food and feed. Some clarification of positions emerged but it was not possible to reach agreement on this occasion. Further work will be undertaken by officials before Ministers reconsider these dossiers.

The Council assessed the agricultural priorities flowing from the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg and agreed conclusions accordingly.

The Council continued its consideration of the mid-term review of the CAP with a discussion concentrating on the proposals concerning rural development, farm audits and three commodity sectors: nuts, rice and milk. My hon. Friend was supported by a number of other Member States in stressing the importance of a shift from production-linked support under the CAP to rural development programmes and he recalled the importance of a fair distribution of funds between Member States. On the commodity proposals, he opposed the introduction of new market measures for nuts and supported the Commission's proposals on rice which would complement improved access to the EU market for third countries. On milk, he reiterated UK support for action that would eventually enable milk quotas to be phased out, and indicated that we would be prepared to consider favourably the possible acceleration of certain measures agreed in the Agenda 2000 package.

Ministers also discussed the agricultural aspects of the WTO round negotiations. My hon Friend strongly supported Commissioner Fischler in emphasising the importance of CAP reform in general and decoupling in particular if the EU is to participate constructively in the round.

Under other business, the Commission dealt with enquiries about olive oil promotion, aid to Greek cotton producers and negotiations with third countries over grain imports.

On fisheries, the Council held a further debate on the Commission's proposals for reform of the Common Fisheries Policy, this time covering access to waters and resources, enforcement, and the Commission's proposals for Regional Advisory Councils: the presidency noted the various views expressed and reiterated that its aim is to conclude this dossier at the December Agriculture and Fisheries Council.

The Council also debated the Commission's proposal for a cod and hake recovery plan based on limitations on days at sea, which was originally submitted to the Council in December 2001. There was a divergence of view on the desirability of a plan, with one significant group of member states, including the UK, supportive of the need to act, and another group markedly less so. For the UK, my hon. Friend recognised the seriousness of the state of the stocks and emphasised that all possible approaches, including days at sea, warranted consideration. He stressed also that it would be important, when determining what measures to adopt, to recognise the varying structures and circumstances of national fleets.

Commissioner Fischler gave a first presentation to the Council on his proposed action plan for Mediterranean fisheries. The Council will discuss this substantively at a later date.