HC Deb 22 October 2002 vol 391 c192W
John Barrett

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will make a statement on the latest food aid requirements of(a) Zimbabwe, (b) Malawi, (c) Zambia, (d) Angola, (e) Mozambique, (f) Lesotho, (g) Swaziland and (f) Nambia. [75057]

Clare Short

The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Vulnerability Assessment Committee of the Southern Africa Development Community recently estimated the following emergency cereal food requirements to the end of March 2003:

Zimbabwe 486,000 MT
Malawi 237,000 MT
Zambia 224,000 MT
Mozambique 48,000 MT
Lesotho 36,000 MT
Swaziland 20,000 MT

In respect of Angola, the WFP appealed for funding to provide 305,598 MT to the end of 2003.

In respect of Namibia, the preliminary findings of a World Food Programme drought assessment indicate a high cereal deficit in the north of the country through to the end of April 2003. The Government of Namibia estimates that relief assistance of both food and non-food items will be required for 340,000 vulnerable people, and expects to be able to meet US$ 9.5 million of the estimated US$ 14 million cost from its own resources.

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