HC Deb 15 October 2002 vol 390 c586W
Mr. Swayne

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what measures are being taken to ensure that the Countryside Agency's rural proofing checklist(a) is available to Government Departments and (b) informs policy decisions. [73989]

Alun Michael

The Countryside Agency's rural proofing checklist was launched in April 2001. At the time it was published in hard copy as well as published on the Countryside Agency's website. Copies were circulated round all Government departments, and promoted throughout departments by the Countryside Agency and staff in departments themselves. This is an ongoing process, with continuing liaison between Government departments and both the Countryside Agency and the Department. The Countryside Agency is currently revising the checklist and this will be published shortly, with a further promotion across Government.

The ongoing process of monitoring and evaluation that leads to the publication of the Countryside Agency's annual reports on rural proofing is the principal way to ensure that the checklist is used to inform policy decisions, and leads to rural solutions and outcomes. The continuing close liaison mentioned above also keeps the checklist at the front of policy makers minds, and the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Rural Renewal discusses such issues regularly.

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