HC Deb 15 October 2002 vol 390 c575W
David Davis

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will list external(a) public relations/communications companies, (b) advertising and marketing companies. (c) management consultancies, (d) accountancy companies, (e) banking firms, (f) individual consultants and (g) other specialist consultancies used by her Department since June 2001; what actions those consultancies/companies have performed within her Department; and what costs have been incurred through use of these consultancies/companies. [74684]

Alun Michael

I refer the right hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for Buckingham (Mr. Bercow) on 23 July 2002,Official Report, column 916W.

19721 1997 2002
Tonnage (at 1st January)2,3
Vessels less than 10 metres n/a 20,095 19,768
Vessels greater than 10 metres 278,000 254,390 243,206
Total UK fishing fleet n/a 274,485 262,974
Numbers of vessels (at 1st Janurary)2:
Vessels less than 10 metres 3,785 6,091 5,713
Vessels greater than 10 metres 2,286 2,576 2,008
Total UK fishing fleet 6,071 8,667 7,721
Personnel employed at sea during the year4:
Full time 17,898 14,832 11,923
Part-time 4,115 3,772 2,722
Total numbers of fishermen 22,013 18,604 14,645


1Estimates for 1st January 1972 relate to the active fishing fleet, while those for 1st January 1997 and 2002 relate to the registered fishing fleet.

2Data for 1972 relate to vessels below and above 40ft in length (12.2 metres).

3Data for 1997 and 2002 relate to the Gross Tonnage of registered fishing vessels as reported to the European Commission under the Multi Annual Guidance Programme for the structure of the UK fishing fleet. The data available for 1972 related to Gross Registered Tonnage of active fishing vessels, which is not comparable. Data for vessels below 40ft in length are not available.

4The information given in the column for 2002 relates the numbers of fishermen in the year 2001.